Hi! Today I'm going to talk about a person that I admire. Roberto Fernandez is a teacher of our University, he is a Psichologist, teacher, and investigator. He started primary school in Paris and he finish in Santiago.
Now he doing class about social psychologhy, cuality methodology, and too in him "free time", he writting about interesting topics, like "Memorias y Conmemoraciones en el espacio público", "And... this mapuches are gays?", and "sexual diversity".
In the actually, he are one of the more important investigator methodology, he has many studies about different and interesting topic about our reality.
Roberto Fernandez is mi favorite teacher, and I admire, because he have a critical opinion about this times, but the point, that makes the difference with others social criticals, is that he doing something. He is more than words, he doing works and interventions, that... like he says: transform the reality.