Hello, today I'm talk about film, but before to start I have to say that my film doesn't very famous, but I think that all have to see this movie. Noviembre is a Spanish film based on a true story, and it's comedy/dramma film. Achero Mañas is the director, the principal actor is Óscar Jaenada, served with Ingrid Rubio.
The award that the film has received is "Butaca" in the category best actor and best film score. Maybe this movie don't received a lot of price that other films, like troya, the grandfather or brave hearts.
Alfredo (the protagonist) think that still he can change the world, but him strategy is use the art in the street like an arm loaded of new ideas. For example, in the subway, He and him company of theatre acting like punky clowns, and interrupt the normal activites of the people. The idea is take the "classical theater" and show the art in public places, where all can enjoy it. Here, doesn't exist censure, limits, and the most important it's free, because Alfredo says that the art doesn't sells. The viewer pass to be a another actor more, everybody's can do art.
I really like this film, because I think that all have the right of enjoy all, and not fair that have to pay for this. And Alfredo show me, that when you really want do it something, you can.
Here is an extract of the film, is a little example of what doing the Noviembre company to interrypt the normal activites.
I saw the link and was very funny and interesting. I hope have a little bit of time to see the movie C: